Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Best Friend.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

-i am extremely lucky and grateful to have some wonderful friends :) recently i had a mehh! moment with one of my closest friends where it was like "oh im having a bad day. what? you did THIS? let me take out my anger on YOU" and i was mean. and then she texts back (oh this was all via text, yes, technology these days.. we cant even have a face-to-face spat loll) that shes really sincerely sorry... and it made me sad. like wow i was just a really big unnecessary bizatch to you, i wish you got mad at me/ defensive.. and then i texted back that no, i was having a bad day, im sorry too. and she replies that we better go make my day better (:]) and she IS still sorry.
&though this may not mean much to others/ her i was really struck by what a wonderful friendship we have. truth be told, what i initially got mad about DID make me a bit upset (though i blew it outta proportion) but i was straightforward about it. because i knew i could be. and she, nice friend that she is, apologizes, and i could tell that she was being sincere through her sad face :('s hahaha. and then I learned the lesson and instead of being like HA yea, you SHOULD be sorry. i understood MY mistake and what i did wrong and it ended up being 1)an apology fest and 2)a "aw-warm-fuzzy-feeling im really glad i have this friend" moment for me. haha

the Bible says that "Two are better than one" and indeed i believe it. when i'm having a bad day (and that day was BAAAD) i have a friend that i can talk to about my problems, a friend that really cares about what my day was like and wants to make it better. when i fall down, i have friends to help me back up. that same day i happened to also be texting (this really makes me look bad huh) with another one of my good friends and he asked me how my day was. the thing is, this friend, doesnt just ask how was your day as small talk. he really wants to know. so when i told him about how i had a huge stomach ache blahblah he texted me things like "hope you feel better!" and "stay strong!" and that made me really happy :). i just think that friendship is one of the things that i treasure the most, especially these days.

and even if you dont think you have that many friends, realize that everyone has one really nice best friend up in heaven and ME :) hahaa, if you want to be my friend.


  1. <3 :D !!!
    sentimental squirrels skip splendidly in sohyun's stomach?

  2. gooooood post michelle!


    i liked the last part.

    (that was NOT the spanish laugh (jajaja) i was saying AJA (as in.. korean) JUST in case.. yeah. my sosheem-ness)
