Saturday, March 13, 2010

To Deal With Disappointment

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." -Deuteronomy 31:8

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." -Psalm 34:18

what i realized is that when you're not particularly gifted in any certain area, you learn to deal with plenty of disappointments.
story of my life. haha. so i've never been above average in anything (except my height i guess?) and it's been sucky for the most part. i'm not freaking smart, i'm not really pretty, i'm not super athletic, i'm not a violin prodigy... to fail and watch your friends succeed or try your best and your hardest but not succeed hurts, to be honest. so when i read these verses it was especially heartwarming.

-Deuteronomy says that God will ALWAYS be with you and, idunno, that's just a great thing to keep in mind. it's like, okay, i'm not really smart.. but God still loves me and he'll never leave me. such a fantastic-- and somewhat mind boggling for us of Asian origin-- thing to realize. one thing that i think makes it harder is the way we're pressured and expected to be "something" by our parents. i know they only do it because they want you to be sucessful or they just want the best for you but... it still makes you feel like crap when your mom is harping on you about not being as smart as so-and-so. but the Word says not to be discouraged. so i'll try my best.

-the next verse is just as mindboggling. "crushed in spirit" ha. that's how i've felt most of my life. you know how much it sucks (im sorry, im repeatedly using the word "sucks" for lack of a better word) to try super hard and fail while other people just naturally succeed in everything? over and over, i've suffered from a LOT of failures, and subsequently disappointments. but it's relieving to know that God will still remain close to me and save me, eventually. the idea of a savior always reminds me of superheroes. haha. but yaknow what? you cant be saved if theres nothing that's troubling you.

so, conclusion.. yes, disappointments suck and i have had my fair share of them. BUT even through all these things that i think are "the end of the world" God will love me. God doesn't care that i didn't get into UCLA, he still loves me.



  1. Michelle i FRKN respect you and love you so much for posting this. it's soo hard to deal with disappointment, and i've had my share of them yesterday too. :(

    its so crazy how he loves us still :)
    and i'm really really glad that you took the time to open your bible and find verses that helped you. i'm gonna read those verses myself :)

    thank you SO MUCH for posting.
    saranghaee <3
    and fighting! :)
    and like in ecclesiastes 7:13-14 ish says,

    "..God has made the one as well as the other.."
    and good times will soon come! :D

  2. i hope you know how much i admire / am inspired by you at times like these

    i love you buddy!

  3. this is a VERY good post. i love it. AMEN to your thoughts. and at least you know that everyone (well at least i think everyone) goes through their own struggles and disappointments so YOU'RE NOT ALONE! ANDDD no one is a failure! cuz we all fail in our own ways therefore we are all failure.. therefore no one is a failure! (like the if everyone is special then no one is special mentality) but in a better way!

    you're cool :)
